
How support my work

You can support my work simply by reading and buying the products I review through the links on my site pages or through the links below.

If I recommend a good product it’s because I used it myself over a period of time. Each vape review is based on my hands-on personal use as a medical marijuana patient. My work is supported through a small kickback from the retailer when you make a purchase. But if I review junk and you return it, I make nothing. I think that’s fair.

You’ll notice we usually link to VapeWorld for making a recommended purchase. We have been VapeWorld customers for many years before this site existed and because of the convenience of their shipping and VapeWorld’s great customer service I think it’s the most trusted site to shop for vaporizers online.

We respect your privacy: We don’t collect your personal information. We do save generic web traffic statistics; yawn.